
Meetings are never-to-be-missed events. Social Time begins around 6:00PM. The drinking starts at 6:30PM with current events, announcements of local dives, status of overseas trips, join the Crab Pot or is that the “Crack Pot” competition from September to April or the Scallop competition all year around, Then our monthly guest speaker takes center stage for an informative, often educational, definitely entertaining presentation on a dive subject, or perhaps new equipment. Come by one of our meetings.

For a Meeting Location and time please contact us.

What does it take to be in the Wallaroo Scuba Association?

Do you love the water, live to dive (or at least like it a lot!) and have an undying respect for the underwater environment? Do you appreciate a good party? Enjoy meeting new people? If so, you`re ready to join one of the hottest diving organizations this side of Atlantis!

Wallaroo Scuba Associational is an unincorporated environmental group of mates consisting of scuba diving enthusiasts who get together in the name of fun and diving.
So if you’re planning a dive trip to Wallaroo, hook up with us. They`re bound to show you a good time and share their favorite local dive spots! We are free to join and there is nothing official, only the membership and Waiver forms need to be filled out.

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